Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 4 » Dark-Eyed Raven
Текст песни In My Rosary - Dark-Eyed Raven
And second eats second
While minute eats minute
And hour eats hour
While day eats day

And week eats week
While month eats month
And year eats year
While decade eats decade

Stumbling in this swimming blue
Falling back into the view
Shapeless like a drunken word
Water down what's been absurd

Growing broke this
World in two
And nothing's left
For me to do

A sweetish scent
Has reached my place
Close down all those
Passing days

Then the dark-eyed raven
Wears the clothes of the night
Then the dark-eyed raven
Spreads his wings for the fight

And down in the dungeon
Of an unknown land
I touch my reflection
With an unknown hand

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Категория: In My Rosary | Просмотров: 1022 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: Dark-Eyed Raven, тексты песен, In My Rosary, lyrics | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

Тексты песен группы In My Rosary

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