Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 4 » Little Death
Текст песни In My Rosary - Little Death
Fall and rise and fall and rise
My mouth was full of sticky lies
And as I climbed upon a cloud
I left behind this funny crowd

My soul was captured by the fear
To lose your love my sweetest dear
The silence died between our hands
We lost the way in different lands

My weakly heart's condemned to burn
Poured out the cup and no return
So leave me in my little death
And wait to come my final breath

You saw my failure, little child
You saw my death which was denied
I laid my cheek upon your shade
You lost a tear and shut the gate

My weakly heart's condemned to burn
Poured out the cup and no return
So leave me in my little death
And wait to come my final breath

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Категория: In My Rosary | Просмотров: 944 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: Little Death, тексты песен, In My Rosary, lyrics | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Тексты песен группы In My Rosary

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