Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 4 » Short Dance
Текст песни In My Rosary - Short Dance
If I dance I will dance with you
And your sweet laughter will lead me through
This fog of our fading years

We have lost our glamorous youth
But we've found another pleasant truth
This life is just a short dance

Music's swimming through the air
But right before we shake off the care
This strange dance is over

If I dance I will dance with you
Can you smell the dying roses, too?
We have to go to bed

I see the sun rising in your eyes
I touch your skin no silent cries
Let us dance till the day breaks up
Until the tune makes a sudden cut

It's just a short dance
And I need your leading
So we're dancing
Still dancing
Dancing away the time

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Категория: In My Rosary | Просмотров: 751 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: тексты песен, Short Dance, In My Rosary, lyrics | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Тексты песен группы In My Rosary

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