Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 8 » Sleep of Reason
Текст песни Silence of September - Sleep of Reason
Will you hold my hand
As this planes leaves the ground?
I’m afraid of flying,
Coz my feet don’t touch the ground
I’m afraid of seeing, what don’t know how to see
I am lost over and under, and somewhere in between
These comfort zones
And if this is how a heart breaks, i give up
And if this is how a heart breaks, i want you to stop
And if this is how a heart breaks, i surrender
Coz if love is like dying, i’ll live forever
I take a breath, look around to see what is left
Of this plane crash that you placed in my head
My skin still smells of your perfume and my lips still burn,
But i’ll get over you
And if this is how a heart breaks, i give up
And if this is how a heart breaks, i want you to stop
And if this is how a heart breaks, i surrender
Coz if love is like dying, i’ll live forever

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Категория: Silence of September | Просмотров: 2673 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: Sleep of Reason, Silence of September, тексты песен | Рейтинг: 4.7/3

Тексты песен группы Silence of September

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