Главная » 2011 » Март » 1 » Stains
Текст песни Bleak - Stains
December seven years ago or so
Our love embraced by the snowfall
I remember how that heaven used to glow from within
As we crawled in the maze that ruined it all
Here it stays in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stains and I feel so cold
Here it stays in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stays and I won't let go
And so I forgot to smile
I'm nobody's friend now
coz they don't like it when you're down
I try to remember now
I know that I've got to try
But my body's bend down
And I can't find my ground...
Stays in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stains and I feel so cold
Here it stays in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stays and I won't let go
Come to me sweet love...
Come to me sweet love...
Stays in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stains and I feel so cold
Misplaced in the dark
With these stains in my soul
It stays and I will not let go
Said I won't let go!

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Категория: Bleak | Просмотров: 682 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: тексты песен, Bleak, Stains | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Тексты песен группы Bleak

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