Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 4 » The Liar
Текст песни In My Rosary - The Liar
So many times I thought of this
So many times I saw it end
Carved in threadbare signs
The bitter taste of everything

The glowing torch is given back
And now it sticks deep in my flesh
From where it came and where it hurts
The biggest part of me again

You follow your footprints in the sand
And think that you are not alone
But even if your hope is strong
One day the rain will come

There are only broken things to share
There are only taken things to give
Beside this fruitful soil I rot
And still lie to myself
Nothing ever gets apart in this game

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Категория: In My Rosary | Просмотров: 973 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: The Liar, тексты песен, In My Rosary, lyrics | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

Тексты песен группы In My Rosary

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