Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 4 » There's No Light (In Cocktail Bars)
Текст песни In My Rosary - There's No Light (In Cocktail Bars)
I sit here waiting for a new drink
This time it's serious cause I'm gonna sink
Into a sleep without a bell

Beware of darkness take care not to drown
My thoughts are spinning I feel like a clown
'cause this night is such an awful mess

There's no smile beneath the stars
There's no light in cocktail bars
And the waiter asks who we are
But we'll never know
'cause we have lost our face

This life is something I want to forget
My inner doubter will break my own neck
I'm burnt-out and I don't know why

Still sit here waiting for a new drink
The tide gets higher and I'm gonna sink
Into a sea without a ground

There's no smile beneath the stars
There's no light in cocktail bars
And the waiter asks who we are
But we'll never know
'cause we have lost our face

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Категория: In My Rosary | Просмотров: 776 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: There's No Light (In Cocktail Bars), тексты песен, In My Rosary, lyrics | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Тексты песен группы In My Rosary

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