Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 11 » Unspoken
Текст песни Hypnogaja - Unspoken
I see it in your eyes
The way you feel inside
Your idea of me
Is all that I can be

You can talk your fears away
There's still something that you just won't say

And the silence is broken
But the words are unspoken

Why are you afraid?
Is that how you were made?
All that I can be
Is more than you can see

And you can't hide the truth
I can see it in you
And the silence is broken
But the words are unspoken

You don't have to say a thing
Your face says everything
There's no way to hide
All the hatred inside

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Категория: Hypnogaja | Просмотров: 781 | Добавил: Squall | Теги: тексты песен, Unspoken, Hypnogaja | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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