Final Fantasy VIII - Laguna (цитаты)
Uhhhh! The tip o' my nose itchessss!
I feel a draft on my butt...
You guys...sure have guts. You know how high this cliff is...!?
(After throwing Kiros and Ward into the ocean from a cliff to escape Esthar soldiers.)
Oh well, nothing's cheaper than something free.
It's like killing two pigs with one stone.
Darn it, did it again! Why don't I ever think things through before I answer?
But...who cares!? I speak with passion, from the heart! That's what matters most.
I see... I didn't understand a word.
(When given simple directions to Dr. Odine's lab.)
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Squall (21.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1677
| Теги: цитаты , Final Fantasy VIII , FVIII , Laguna
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