You know, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous.
(Attempting to put Squall in a lighter mood during his SeeD field exam.)
You really are an excellent student. Even that dance was perfect.
Squall, it's not like everyone can get by on their own, you know?
For the last time, stay back! You're only going to provoke him.
(To Galbadian soldiers attempting to rescue President Deling.)
Irvine Kinneas! You're playing a major role in this mission. Now behave yourself!
(To Irvine as he flirts with two women from his team, who then complains: "No one understands me...")
I have no musical aptitude whatsoever.
Well, Zell was riding his T-Board in the hallways of Garden. He made a sharp turn and went straight into the woman's res...
(Recalling Zell's "famous" incident.)
Even after becoming an instructor, I couldn't stop thinking about
Squall. I thought it I had to hide my feelings because I was
an instructor, but I've come to realise it wasn't. It was my childhood
feelings as a big sister that lingered... Oh well..." (A misunderstood
love...? Actually, I had completely given up when Rinoa came into the
She might wake up with a kiss from the prince.
(Suggesting a way for Squall to revive Rinoa.)
Hello, this is Quistis Trepe. I've been quite busy with my SeeD
duties. How's everybody doing with their studies and training? For all
those working towards becoming a SeeD and everyone else, just remember,
have fun.
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