Final Fantasy VIII - Selphie (цитаты)
Heeey! Lookin' good!
To Squall in his evening uniform.
Alright! Let's hit that PAAH-TAY!
SeeD! SeeeeD! SeeeeeeeD!
When she graduates to become a SeeD.
Train Train, Take Us Away, Take Us Away, Far Away, To The Future, We Will Go, Where it Leads, No One Knows
That is sooo vague!
After hearing that her SeeD deployment contract lasts "until Timber achieves independence."
Well, fine then! We WILL have a good time!
When told coldly to have a good time.
Well, we could skin this little guy and wear him as a disguise...
"Jokingly" offering an idea to get out of a holding cell; referring to a moomba .
Ooh neato! A hole in the middle of no-where!
To Galbadian guards once she gets to the control room of the desert missile base.
Destroy everything!
Pushing buttons randomly when attempting to reprogram a missile-launcher.
Alright! NEXT!
After she defeats a Galbadian guard.
Irvy Kinnepooo! I'll make you happy!
Squall! You big stud! This is all for you! Congratulations! Enjoy the show! Rinoa, don't let him get away!
You should feel honored that a very, very cute girl sat on your bed, you know!
To Zell after sitting on his bed.
Well, fine then! I didn't think you were so...anal.
Let's just fire like crazy and make a big hole, BOOM!
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Squall (21.08.2011)
Просмотров: 946
| Теги: цитаты , Selphie , Final Fantasy VIII , FVIII
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