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Final Fantasy VIII - Ultimecia (цитаты)

  • Ultimecia: ...SeeD... SeeD......SeeD...... SeeD, SeeD, SeeD! Kurse all SeeDs. Swarming like lokusts akross generations. You disgust me. The world was on the brink of that ever-elusive 'time kompression'. Insolent fools! Your vain krusade ends here, SeeDs! The price for your meddling is death beyond death. I shall send you to a dimension beyond your imagining. There, I will reign, and you will be my slaves for eternity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whom shall I exterminate first!? I'll start with you three!
    • The most powerful GF... ...You shall... ...SUFFER... HAHAHAHA...
    • the gf's true power... allow me to show you...
  • Ultimecia: Griever! Make them bleed!!!
  • Ultimecia: I shall junction myself... unto Griever.
  • Ultimecia: I am Ultimecia. Time shall compress... ...All existence denied.
    • Reflect on your... Childhood...
    • Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions...
    • Time, it will not wait...
    • No matter how hard you hold on...it escapes you.
    • And...
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Категория: Персонажи | Добавил: Squall (21.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1086 | Теги: цитаты, Final Fantasy VIII, FVIII, Ultimecia | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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