Final Fantasy VIII - Zell (цитаты)
D-Do you have dogs left?
Why you bein' so selfish!? Scrooooge!
Chicken Wuss?!?
(When Squall decides they jump off the cliff after Selphie.)
This is my house. But don't make yourselves too comfortable!
...The HELL! Man...Now this is what I call boring. This ain't right, man!
Here we go...Psyche yourself up, baby!
Time to GET IT ON!!
This train is awesome! A transcontinental railroad, baby!
We're on your team, Instructor. Let's kick some ass!
Hey, a key...NOT!
Searching for a way out after being inadvertently locked in a room in General Caraway's house.
We're here to liberate Balamb, ya know!? ...I mean...uhh... We're here to liberate Balamb!
Accidentally finishing his sentence with the phrase 'ya know' after hearing Raijin say it repeatedly.
YOOOO!!! The HELL you doin'!!!?
After Irvine fires his gun in Zell's room.
Why don't you try to show a little more passion...? You know, like me!
If it's Odine brand, it should be pretty effective! They're NO.1 when it comes to magical goods.
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Squall (21.08.2011)
Просмотров: 1282
| Теги: цитаты , FFVIII , Final Fantasy 8 , Zell
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